Hey @Jonathan,
Sorry I took so long to reply. The piano was already recorded great.
Here are some screenshots.
This PiAno_10 track is more of lil lines. My first plugin is a free reverb called SubSpace. I used setting “C” and 23% wet/dry mix
The other 2 plugins are just color. Softube Tape
and VCC from Slate
The Piano_09 track is the main Piano you hear in the song. I just Got Softube Tape and VCC again. similar settings
They are then bus to an aux called Piano where I got SSL Stereo Bus Compressor and S1 Imager from Waves.
Then I sent the piano to a reverb
Here are the settings for the reverb Rverb from Waves
And that’s it. Other color must come from my Master Bus.
So I’m always changing plugins on my master according to the feel of the song. Sometimes this chain works, at other time, it’s horrible…lol
All tracks go to a =Print= Aux then to the Master bus
I eq first them Compress on the =Print= aux. it may seem crazy but I solo frequencies , the ones I don’t like, I cut them a little. In both mid and side
Then Compressor
VTM (I change tape plugins according to the sound of the song)
I boost a little with FG-N from Slate
Some color from Waves PuigChlid (no compression)
More color with VCC mixbus
Then over to the master bus, at the end of the mix (which I rushed bc I saw the contest the day before it was gonna end) I wanted some more. So I tried some softube tape and it worked.
Then Fabfilter MB to tame the sub lows
Then PSP VintageWarmer. I really don’t know what this plugin do but I think it’s a kinda limiter/compressor that kinda have a Tape(ish) sound… lol But it’s not compressing or limiting, I think it was there from my template…lol
Then I was trying out Softube Weiss MM-1 Limiter I really liked the wide style on this limiter for the song
So, there’s a lot of color added but my master bus plugins, but each of them adds just a little so the total summed color is not too “fake sounding” or ugly…
I also was trying out Kush plugins, I was probably using that HammerDSP EQ and Clariphonic EQ(those are inactive on my Master Bus), but I don’t have an active subscription currently…lol When I get back with them I’ll show those settings, but the Clariphonic most likely was boosting the extreme air on top and the Hammer Eq was cutting some boxiness.
I hope this helps!!