Category Topics

Introduce Yourself

New to the forum? Introduce yourself! Have any questions, recommendations, or suggestions, this is the place.


We all start somewhere. There are plenty of questions to ask along the way and you won't get any flack for asking them here.

Bash This Recording

Upload songs you’ve recorded and mixed for critiquing from our members and staff. Songwriting, performances, recording quality, and mixing will all be critiqued. This is an excellent way to get an extra pair of ears on your music before releasing it to the public!

Indie Radio

A place to share your own completed projects, links to your website/social media, other indie bands and artists you’re listening to.

Music Makers

Song writing, instruments, recording, mixing, mastering. Ask questions and share knowledge to help each other make our best music.

Recording, Mixing and Producing

From microphone placement, gear reviews, to the classic "Which DAW is best?" debate, discuss all things recording here!