Long time no see (aka the return of Big Al)

It’s been a couple years since I’ve been on this site but I’m still alive and kicking. Shout out to @holster for checking in on me. I’m going to make an effort to be a better IRD citizen.


Hi Big Al,
Welcome back, and hope to engage with you more inside IRD!!!
Warm regards,

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Welcome back Al, I was just thinking about you the other day, wondering what had happened to you. You may be right on time, as the forum had gotten pretty sparse until Rene came along and lifted us up with his frequent song postings.

To celebrate the occasion (and bass playing in general), here’s a bit of a tribute. I don’t know if it lyrically makes sense in that context, but it invokes your name and is a fun and interesting song from way back.

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Thanks, Stan!

Speaking of bass playing, the pandemic gave me and a few friends the opportunity to launch a new project that was foreign territory to all of us. I’m playing bass guitar in a modern country cover band. At first I didn’t think it would go over well but to my surprise, it’s been pretty successful. It’s also been more fun than I expected and it (1) pulled me out of the slump I’d been in (2) forced me out of my comfort zone and helped me sharpen my skills.

I’m still doing the sound guy thing on the weekends that I’m not gigging.

I haven’t done any writing or recording to speak of. I still haven’t gotten out of my own head.


Awesome! I’ve always been a rocker, but played bass in a somewhat country/worship band for a short while many years ago. I came to appreciate how the new (modern) styles of Country music have incorporated Rock into them, and that helped.

Something I’m working on too. Trying to push myself more in that direction again.

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Great to see you on hear, looking forward to your contributions. Welcome back!

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Hi Al,
One day maybe I’ll come back too!


That’d be amazing! I hope you get back into some recording/playing soon! :beerbanger:

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What’s up people? What have I missed?

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Hey…the site is not too active anymore. I visit a couple times a day looking to check out new songs. Good if you could contribute again.

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I will definitely try. Things have slowed down considerably for me and my sound company. My partner retired and I am becoming more selective in the work that I’m accepting these days!


Welcome back AL!

Wish I could contribute more often, but work has got me tied down pretty good (in a good way). But I do try to hop on often to see if I can help anyone out every once in a while.

I do plan on writing a sort of bigger blog-ish kind of post after things settle down a bit for me. I would like to share some new experiences I’ve had in the industry with my official music director hat on. :cowboy_hat_face:


Life definitely has a way of interfering with our fun times!

Welcome back Big Al.

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@BigAlRocks! Good to hear from you! I’ve been off a bunch too actually. However, I recently took on a new job working remotely, so I may have some time available soon to pop in more frequently. Also, I’ve been gigging again, so it’s been nice playing some music again! Anyway, hope you’re doing well. Hope you can hop on more frequent again!


Speaking of gigging, I’m still playing in that country cover band and am about to start jamming with a rock band. Picking up a new to me 5 string bass today after work!

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That’s awesome! I’d love to see the new bass when you get it. So you’ll do both bands? It’ll be interesting to see what you think in the differences. Not just in the music, but in things like crowd participation etc. I’d be curious to know what does and doesn’t work well with audiences for you.
I’ve been doing gigs with a buddy of mine and its a total mix. It’s pretty wild which songs draw people in and get them singing along haha. It’s rarely the ones that I expect.

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Yes, I’ll do both bands… for now! What’s funny is the the singer of the new (pop rock punk) band is the former singer for the country band. The lead guitarist for the country band is also in the new band so, since we already have a decent following, we kind of already have an audience. It’ll be interesting to see how the country band draws now that we have a new singer and a new drummer too. I suspect the rock band will do better.

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It will also be interesting to see how much of a difference you’ll see in pay, tips, etc for the gigs. I’d love to know how that all plays out!

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