Hi there, another new one ;)

Hi everyone…

I came across the forum though a FB group and after lurking for a bit this is my first post! I’m a musician and studio owner/engineer based in Manchester, UK. I play in a couple of different bands and have had the studio up and running for about 18 months now and we’re going from strength to strength. Really like the look of this place as, like everyone else here, I’m always looking to learn and find ways to further myself both as a musician and engineer/producer.

Nice to meet you all and I look forward to getting involved!



Welcome, Adam! Hope you can hang around and join in the conversation. We have a great forum category called ‘Bash This Recording’ where you can critique and have mixes and productions critiqued:

We also currently have a mix competition running here:

Feel free to join in!

Welcome @beefybanana to our great budding community! We would love to hear about your studio!

Spill it!

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Cheers mate, JJ

Welcome to the forum. I look forward to reading you around.

Hey man. Welcome! Good to have ya.

Welcome! Great to have you here! Looking forward to hearing some of your work. Feel free to ask tons of questions.

Welcome. Glad you found us.

Welcome Adam! Hope you have fun with us and that we all learn stuff. :slight_smile:

New myself, but welcome!

Well, hello!

Welcome Adam!