
Checking in from Atlanta. Glad to be a new member.


Hey! Great to have you on board! Looking forward to hearing some of your work. Let us know if you have ANY questions

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Will do and thanks for the welcome.

Good to have you here.

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Wild and wet, I bet we will give it a set!

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Welcome DeeLee! Your name reminds me of a great baseball player on the Chicago Cubs over a decade ago named Derrek Lee. We Cubs fans called him D-Lee. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Welcome DeeLee!

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Welcome @DeeLee ! share your experiences with us.

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@DeeLee in my native language “dele” means sheep. deelee is what the sheep dooooo.


Good to be here. Thanks man.

haha! Live and learn!

Thanks maeniou. Gee, all the vowels and in order too!

I made that name up on the spot and already it seems to have a history. Thanks for the welcome.

Thanks guy.

Sure, the little I have. Thanks!

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Welcome! I’m in Atlanta too. Waiting for the freeze…

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Welcome DeeLee!

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Jan seems to be the only month we get ice or snow, then back to normal. One inch of snow shuts down the city! Migrated Northerners just laugh and enjoy the day off. Thanks for the welcome.

Thanks ptalbot!

Yo! What up? I used to live in the Alpharetta area :smiley: What part of Atlanta?