Do I stay or do i go

Hi there boys and girls this is redworks coming at you. Now i don’t know what to do. Do i still go to RR and this one? Do I post in both? I have not even tried the other spin off yet, is it better? I hardly have had time for one the last year or so. Ahh well here i am. The one thing that i didn’t realize was so important until i jumped over here is how important it is to have an active moderator. Good on you @holster.

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Stay! as far as which site?..well you could post every other word in a different site just to build suspense.

Welcome! Look around , step on kittens, and checky outy the mix contest

Manic mix- off!

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Welcome red! I’m visiting all three regularly until things coalesce on a single path forward. Options are good. And just now with the Christmas weekend happening etc., I would expect lower traffic pretty much everywhere when it comes to forums. Folks will be occupied doing other stuff. :slight_smile:

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but cpt i love kittens.

Yeah i don’t have time for that so i think i am going with my gut and jumping on this one actually.

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Hey Red! Good to see you! Welcome.

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Welcome Red!

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Welcome Red! Awesome to have you around!

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Yep that is what was playing in my head when i was picking a title for this thread.

great to see ya red my kundu drum man

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yeah man kundu drum all the way.

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Well, I was a bit skeptic about his site and now I recognize a lot of people from RR. I guess I will be posting on both for now :slight_smile:

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It is good to have you here Lukas

RR is getting slower (longer to load) and more boring. I mean, once you realise half the new posts are Jonathon, it’s pretty much pack your bags time. I really do hope this place doesn’t turn into GSlutz 2, and that’s where JK belongs really.

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I’ve gotten along with everyone that I’ve met on your collective sites…except for that guy. He’s got serious personality disorders and a very fragile hyper-inflated ego.


I think we all have lots better things to discuss than the characteristics of particular posters… :hibiscus:


Oh go on Chord. You KNOW you love calling me names. LOL.

Besides, I wasn’t making bad over JK, just suggesting that, if you don’t want this place to turn into my compressdors bigger, better, more expensive and shinier tha n yoiur compressor, he’s …

NOW: can anyone persuade Garrw over here?

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Garww didn’t seem too interested in making the switch. Seems that he’s willing to go down with the ship. Maybe you could reach out to him also?
I’m wondering if he didn’t understand what was being explained to him??

Well no actually, I’m not a big fan of ad hominem. :slight_smile: I just know that we all have foibles and idiosyncracies that probably wouldn’t hold up too well to detailed scrutiny, and that the slippery slope of personal characterizations of fellow posters is best avoided entirely. Just my two cents’ worth.

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