Do I stay or do i go

Speak for yourself. :telescope:

Everyone please be mindful about critizing people personally. It is better to remain on topic and discuss the topic at hand ,even when we have differing views/experiences about the subject we are debating about. Remember ,with personal attacks, there is a real human on the other end of the screen AND try remember we are on the same team. Love, cpt


Agreed cpt. I never found JK to be over inflated about stuff. I hate posting on GS and I have a my fair share of cool gear. People with the hardware stuff and people with a $200 setup typically face the same issues when it comes right down to it.


Tell that to your boy JohnnyK if he shows up over here.

If I or any other mod have to respond to a flagged post or have people personally attacking each other, I think we will be fair about it. People getting in heated debates about a certain topic is different then attacking them personally. I am Not saying you guys were attacking him, I did not delete the post, you were just saying your opinion about someone…which is legal in all corners of the globe. I am just trying to keep peace…that is all.

@Paul999 is right, and the goal of the new site is to take us all to new places with our music. That means inviting people here that may be much further along and far better equipped than the rest of us. Stuff can learned in both directions.
People that speak condescendingly to others will be treated the same as those that bad-mouth someone for having better gear etc. Neither will last long here. :+1:

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