Wrapped In Your Everlasting Love, is a Collaboration Project initiated by Owen aka Rainy Day Man from The Songwriter’s Forum. Owen asked me to complete a song idea which is all of Verse 1.
When I heard his song, I said to myself “This is awesome”, and I wanted to make this a special project for Rainy Day Man and myself.
I just inundated the Chorus with “wrapped in your everlasting love” as this is song is all about that!!!
Thank you Owen, for asking me to write this song with you!!!
You are a musical genius!!!
Love this song!!!
Wrapped In Your Everlasting Love, Collab Project by Owen Hovenden and Rene Abadesco
Love me like raincloud
Pouring from above
Saturating raincloud
Bathed in your love
Lost in your love
Wrapped in your everlasting love
Your everlasting love
I wanna get wrapped in
Your everlasting love
Wrapped in your everlasting love
Wrapped in your everlasting love
Come and spend a lifetime
With every step of the way
Tears of joys and sorrows
Bathed in our love
Lost in our love
Wrapped in our everlasting love