If you had a choice of currently active producers, who would you choose for yourself? Assuming of course you felt you even wanted one.
If i could justify paying for one I’d definitely get one… I’d get someone else to mix too… Jaquire King, Andrew Scheps, Sylvia Massey, Tchad Blake…someone like that.
I’m really late to the party, but it is a great tune, well played, and I love the extra rasp on your voice. Everything adds up as it moves along.
I worked on a demo with a pro producer once, and it was an eye opening experience. I was struggling with a transition from a verse to a chorus, and he walked in and said “Change the Bmin to Bmaj”. Boom, the song was done.
You’ve done that for me a couple of times, and it is always amazing the epiphany another set of creative ears can bring to something.
One suggestion for fun; try to hear what adding some fuzz would do to the tremolo section. On first listen, I wanted that part to be even more ominous. Maybe just an added guitar with the same tremolo buzzing over the top.
Great job as usual.
Thanks Bob!
I work in signs and graphic design. When you are working with the creative side of your brain, the analytical side tends to switch off. This is often how glaring spelling errors creep into signs and design. The person working on it gets so used to seeing the error, they just don’t “see” it anymore. Often it just takes an uninvolved 3rd party to come in and say “that is spelled incorrectly”, and suddenly you “see” it! Of course!!!
Sounds weird, I know, but it relates to the producer thing - fresh eyes, fresh ears, fresh brain - valuable commodities.
Thanks - I’m sure I’ll definitely experiment with it some more before I settle on the final product.
Always good to hear from you, Bob!