The ULTIMATE Vocal Plugin

Non-singers rejoice! Your salvation cometh:


O my goodness… that is SO creepy…!
Just plug in the emotion… plug in ANYTHING…
I guess it’s inevitable… o my… :scream:

huh, cool. I’m still on the fence on how I feel about text to voice stuff. On one hand, it’s really cool, but on the other hand, these voices still sound like the voices on my computer from 20 years ago, but with the addition that it can mimic someone’s timbre. It would be awesome to get to the point where we are using synthesis to create voices that actually sound real. This one doesn’t get us there though.

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I do like the voice-activated software… my kids crack up at me using ‘okay google’ on my phone :slight_smile:

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“Lyrebird’s developer API is still under development.”

No kidding.

This is creepy. Just imagine what people can do with this once it becomes really good. Fake news 2.0?

Sounds like a radio shack voice synthesizer I had hooked up to a TRS80 decades ago.

How about a nice game of chess ?

And slowly we are giving life to the terminators :stuck_out_tongue: lol All hail skynet !

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