Nice, Paul. As usual.
Love the song. Some mix suggestions …
I’m experience some ear fatigue or something with the guitars. They’re so dominant and not a lot of dynamics, and the EQ seems so much the same on all guitars.
I LIKE that harmonica in the background. Nice touch! Bring it up. It’s hiding. Same with the drums.
LOVE the change-up at 2:00. That change in the groove really works. I could stand for a little less of the minor-spooky-eeriness there though. I can’t tell, is it the effect of the second on the minor chord in the right guitar? Not sure. And there’s some kind of synth thing going on there that feels distracting. Maybe cuz it’s too subtle? Perhaps making it more prominent would make it blend more and be less distracting, but I think maybe it could go away.
Ah. What do I know. Just some thoughts. I don’t know how you come up with these things so fast, the song, the mix and all. You inspire me! Another nice piece from feaker. Thanks for sharing.