Taking a tour

Thought I would pop in and check it out.

Hey @JayGee! Welcome! We’re having some fun in here. Check things out and let us know if you have any questions. We’re learning some cool tricks in here! :beerbang:

Fo most that have come in, it takes just a bit of time to get a feel for the look and feel, and most end up really enjoying it.

Welcome! Look around, kick the tires, take her for a spin. If you find anything broke let us know.

Stay awhile, if you can!

Looks nice in here and the site seems responsive.
I like the layout, minimalist, but functional.

Thanks for the great work.

Thank YOU! It’s been super fun so far :wink:
Feel free to upload pics or mp3’s to test stuff too. Thanks!

I’m working real hard at watching @holster and @cptfiasco do all the work.

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You’ve done a pretty good amount too, dude! :thumbsup:

I plan to change that once I get this damn marketing paper finished. It turns out that a master’s degree takes effort. lol

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I’d definitely love to pick your brain about marketing (for my shop) once the dust settles. That was one area that I really didn’t consider that I’d have to become an ‘expert’ in when I started the shop. I’m still learning the hard way :confused:

I’m working on an MBA in IT Management. The marketing thing is just one class. We can still brainstorm.

@JayGee …So did you have time to get a feel of the place? Any thoughts? You did not get lost in here…did you? Ha!

I like the site. Definitely has a more modern look compared to RR.


It took me a day or so to get the hang of it, but I’m loving how responsive this software is. I keep finding more and more tricks with it too!

hehe… I get to welcome you now JayGee.

Welcome!! :smile:

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Indeed we get to say welcome to you this time!
Enjoy! :slight_smile:

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Howdy JayGee! Welcome to the nut farm. :slight_smile: