Swashbuckling Battle Score

Figured I would post a track. This score is part of a battle scene I am working on for a production.
Let me know if the battle sounds are working well with this score. The name of the score is “Torn Apart” and it is supposed to take you in the middle of a high seas battle. It is still quite rough and the sound effects are in a concept stage. I am doing the SFX and music scoring both.

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Doing both effects and music is a lot of work no?

Seems to work quite well to my ear, the effects are convincing. I like how the music resolves to something peaceful at the end. I suppose you could have something more aggressive in the battle segment but I don’t know how that would fit in with the rest of your scenes.

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yeah I didnt plan on going overly epic. Indie productions don’t work well with overly epic music as opposed to a Blockbuster production. For indie productions, you have to keep your soundtrack humble or the contrast between video production and music production shows, and the ‘overall production’ starts looking cheap and unbelievable.

it is yes. Though I like having a lot of work (if it is appreciated and/or compensated well ofcourse!)
Reality is that the industry is changing so much, adding more skill sets is definitely favorable than specializing in and one and risk getting zoned out.

AI is definitely threatening my space as well, though I dont mind it personally. I find ways to beat the AI and show my value where AI fails. AI is writing scores, but it uses a formula that makes the scores a bit rigid, so the end result is… well ‘stockish’ and lacks flexibility. To train the AI to be better than a human score writer, requires trained score writers to train the AI :rofl: (which is likely coming in a few decades, but for now I just have to diversify).

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Reminds me of when drum machines showed up. (I wasn’t born yet of course :wink: ) Drummers got a lot less work but the smart ones became drum programmers and added that to their skill set.

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