STM Yeah this track just isn’t working out. At first i thought it had potential, but no so anymore. The only thing i still think is decent was the first take. Going to be hot today, so I will mess with it again.
My garden is 25 by 100 and lots and lots of work. I have large patches of tame blueberries and raspberries. Keeps the grandkids in jam. We process everything. Make relish, antipasto, pickles, freeze green beams and tomotoes etc etc
I have a two acre pond I dug (12 feet down) and it serves as a great irrigation source. Gotta 3/4 hp motor ha ha have a great Sunday
I don’t know what your ‘process’ is, but when I found myself wanting to finish something but getting frustrated, sometimes I tried to just try to screw it up by doing weird things to it. ‘Playing’ as it were, with no thought to ever letting anyone else listen to it, but trying to learn something before tossing it on the ‘junk heap’. Maybe try a weird plugin or production technique, or different musical tracks or something. So you get some benefit before saying ‘goodbye’ to it (not a total loss), but I also found that sometimes that liberates me from my attachment to the outcome, and then cool things happen. Just a thought.
Wow, you’re a REAL homesteader! That’s great, it will come in handy when the real “zombie apocalypse” hits.
[quote=“Stan_Halen, post:23, topic:6202”]
I don’t know what your ‘process’ is, but when I found myself wanting to finish something but getting frustrated, sometimes I tried to just try to screw it up by doing weird things to it. ‘Playing’ as it were, with no thought to ever letting anyone else listen to it, but trying to learn something before tossing it on the ‘junk heap’. Maybe try a weird plugin or production technique, or different musical tracks or something. So you get some benefit before saying ‘goodbye’ to it (not a total loss), but I also found that sometimes that liberates me from my attachment to the outcome, and then cool things happen. Just a thought.
Mornin Stan It is so much more enjoyable making songs now that i don’t have any expectations of them going anywhere. It’s kinda “oh well lets move on” I don’t have many plugins in S1. except ampire (that is really set up for guitar snarl)
I was bound and determined to make this a nasty lyric dark genre track, but by relistening, it isn’t really that dark. I messed with some higher melody notes last night with my acoustic on my lap. Starting with high E and coming down. Might check that out. Your little encouragement hints re ignite my synapses ( the few remaining)
As for the garden, yeah lots of work. I have been watering since five from the pond. Setting the sprinkler range and swing is always a bath. too stubborn to shut them off.
I had a terrible die off of my giant spruce trees (60) that took me all spring to cut, remove, and burn. that took away my time to gather lawn grass clipping to mulch with in the garden. Now the garden needs water every few days. that won’t happen again.
I see lately you have been helping many here on the forum. Kudos to you for taking the time.
Thanks! All I can do is offer my thoughts, and it’s both enjoyable to do that, and even better if it connects and fosters more conversation. We’re like plants in a way, we can seed the ground with new possibilities and see if they grow into fruition. Life is a miracle, when we stop to reflect on it.
Wow! That sounds really weird. All tolled those could have fit into your large pond perhaps? Any idea of the cause? I don’t subscribe to the CO2 (carbon dioxide) “climate change” narrative that is being sold to us, but it seems clear the planet is going through changes, both globally and locally. There may be a human contribution, certainly, but I think there are other factors. It’s happened many times before we, as humans, ever discovered the use of ‘fire’. Now we’re spewing jet fuel exhaust in the sky over vast areas of almost every continent. I don’t discount our part in it, but the planet (and Sun and Moon) is way more powerful than we are.
The most recent major climactic event was the “Younger Dryas” period, about 12,900-11,700 years ago. That’s not that long ago, in geologic time. That wasn’t necessarily Ice Age related, they’re still trying to figure out what caused it. Maybe a comet or asteroid hitting the remaining glaciers in North America? There’s also “The Little Ice Age in Europe” (~1300-1800?) that doesn’t get much attention. I learned that my ancestors lived through that. Generations and history can be our friend.
Climate change in fact repeatedly altered environments so they better suited how some societies grew food, made money, or waged war.
Even in resilient societies, thousands died amid the most extreme weather unleashed by past climate changes. Yet it is becoming increasingly clear that our ancestors often acted decisively and creatively to make the best out of trying times.
Mornin I should have revealed the cause of the die off. It was a spruce bud worm. They hit certain areas leaving a half mile swath of destruction. Unfortunately bad luck found me again. A quarter mile either way was saved.
I heard them buzzing one morning and went to investigate. The trees all the way up 75 feet were being attacked. No way to spray that high. Never saw it coming and couldn’t defend anyway. As they died, i would pull them over with my 1936 allis chalmers bulldozer upending the stump too. I dragged them to an open area for delimbing. Very difficult pich soaking ordeal. Then I pushed them into a low lying swampish are of my property. When I started with the first trees, I was hoping that the rest would survive. Nope, the dead limbs start from the bottom and evntually go the top. I would have had to buy a skidder to haul them roadside to be sold. Big fat bummer. There is more to the story but i am now typing with only my pinky fingers because of carpal. there are worser things out there…right ole friend?
I saw a video of a Prepper type guy with a machine for cutting and bundling firewood. He had it down to a science. (can’t find the link or I would post it) Yes it’s an investment, but people always need/want firewood, especially with energy resources becoming questionable. You have a resource you can use and sell, perhaps. The pest thing is a huge bummer, I can’t imagine the half-mile infestation, but that’s nature perhaps.
Spruce goes poof when you burn it. Quick and hot like sex at 17. So, nobody wants it for that. It usually goes for making paper to a mill a half hour from here.
I have ten cords of maple split and dried I am selling today. Most want 100 bucks a cord and I charge only 60. messenger goes nuts when I post it.
I used to give it away to those who were (financially strapped) I found our later on they were not. Now I give all my side earned money (and more) to my 22 year old grandson who is in pilot training. He has his liscense, but needs oo ko booko hours before his commercial liscense. At about $350 per flight. Sucks the big airlines don’t give them some help.
Ooo, sounds exciting. I’d still burn it in a fire pit, for fun if nothing else. The stuff I buy is sometimes ‘pine’ wood, but it’s a combination of wood source, dry/wet, wind power and direction, and other factors. I’d burn it in a heartbeat, and enjoy whatever effect it produces. The milling is something I have some ideas about, but not practical knowledge. But if the pests destroy it, it can still be used to benefit? The success of ancient societies relied on their use of resources to meet their needs. It worked for millennia, why not now?
Nobody with any moral/ethical core want to take advantage of others, but charging what is fair is no crime. I don’t look at price, only the sellers’ motivation. If they’re trying to provide for their family by making a profit, I can’t fault them for that. It’s only the huge monopolies that I have issues with.
I can see you are truly a sweet man/soul. I love to be positive and assume the best of everyone, but life teaches you that not everyone values those inherent tendencies. You have to employ ‘discernment’ in dealing with any people. I’m sure your grandson enjoys the support, and kudos to you for helping him. I had an uncle who flew planes many years go, and he was a gem. The black sheep of the family, but I always liked him the best.That impulse is noble, though the commercial and military extensions of that are wide ranging in impact. How much is too much?
[quote=“Stan_Halen, post:23, topic:6202”]
I don’t know what your ‘process’ is, but when I found myself wanting to finish something but getting frustrated, sometimes I tried to just try to screw it up by doing weird things to it. ‘Playing’ as it were, with no thought to ever letting anyone else listen to it, but trying to learn something before tossing it on the ‘junk heap’
Hi Stan I finally got sorta caught up with the “ranch” duties, so I changed the track again. Now it a demonish song about drug addiction. It is a little robotic now, but I sort of like it. Need a lead break presently. I will finish the song at let that section blank for now??ha, until phase three begins? Not sure it i should post it here or take it to the original post. I did the latter. Peace and potatoes to you
I’m curious what the inspiration for this was. It’s like you’re inhabiting a ‘character’ and telling a story, though from observation and not personal experience I’m sure. Of course, I think that’s something you do pretty often and do well. I do find it interesting. I think I liked the original better, but this has possibilities too. The tempo seems a bit too fast to me, in order to portray the darkness you have in mind. But at the same time that gives it a ‘snappiness’, almost like you could dance to it, and a less depressing vibe than if it was a slower tempo. There’s a bit of Alice Cooper character in the music, and your vocals kind of remind me of both Bryan Ferry of Roxy Music and David Byrne of Talking Heads.
Yeah, it seems like it needs more length coming in at less than 1 minute right now. When you have created the space for a lead break, I can try a solo and see if you like it, if you want.
Ha, thanks! I’ll throw in a beer and have Suds & Spuds. Peace.
Yeah, it seems like it needs more le ngth coming in at less than 1 minute right now. When you have created the space for a lead break, I can try a solo and see if you like it, if you want.
Yeah the end of the chorus is supposedly get there before the minute mark. It did and then I did have the second verse listed there but not sung yet. With the lead break, a second verse and chorus, it should be …2:30 ish maybe a bridge??
I’m curious what the inspiration for this was. It’s like you’re inhabiting a ‘character’ and telling a story, though from observation and not personal experience I’m sure
I have no idea of where those lyrics came from. My bass player had a bad addiction, maybe that triggered it. I like my mind (what’s left of it) to just wander.
I think I liked the original better, but this has possibilities too. The tempo seems a bit too fast to me
Each time I start doing a track demo I am often reminded that the first take is usually the best. I agree with you. I only like the first lyric line on this one. At this point I will try to finish it and move to the next. Going to slow it tomorrow again.
I love the process. Thanks again Stan
ps I had to beers (way over my limit) put some crazy S1 overdrive on the track and pretended I was 40 years younger. ha ha
[quote=“Stan_Halen, post:32, topic:6202”]
Yeah, it seems like it needs more length coming in at less than 1 minute right now. When you have created the space for a lead break, I can try a solo and see if you like it, if you want.
[/quote]I squeaked out a few more seconds. My ears are ringing. I played way too loud. duhhh
I am hoping to hear a finished product because I was on stage behind metal fencing getting peppered by hillbilly throwing bottled beer shattering on it as we rumbled this tune out like Jeff Healy in Roadhouse.
You should write lyrics. You paint an interesting mental picture. I was told that on this forum it is better to post a new track than to delete and replace. Otherwise I used to update each day as the songs advanced.
I shouldn’t have posted this last rendition until it was tamed. I found a new toy and had some fun with it. I am up to two minutes now in the track and might explore a bridge??
It would be so easy producing a song if one had an idea of it’s direction from the start. I hope nobody steps on the shattered glass.
Interesting track, Paul - definitely different for you. Seems like you have it almost finished. The acoustic vs the electric is cool. I think it works well.
My preference would be for it to have less of a predictable chord progression. Sometimes it can be an interesting idea to keep the melody the same and try playing different chords underneath. Maybe that concept could spark an idea for a bridge…
Hi Andy Yes, this is not my best but it is something to work on. Big outdoors projects right now so very little studio time, and then I am pooped and brain dead.
I too am tired of three chord progressions. Been there done that. The bridge has a chord that is different but useable, but that isn’t enough. Not sure the name using fgbg# g# being the first string.
Gotta mix this up a bit. Thanks for your spot on logic and experience. peace and kangaroos
From the start I have liked your drums in this, I think they work well. In version 3 and 4 you have some lead soloing, which I think works well. You said you don’t do lead solo’s, but you clearly can do melodious ones that work well. It sounds like you’re almost there with version 4, as you say, maybe just some more vocals. I can see myself throwing a lead solo in there when you have the parts finalized, though as I said my solo’s are kind of wild and it may not fit the style, but I could try.
I like radical solo’s, but this track sorta drags. I played a few thing in there but my hands actually lock up and I have to stop and pull my fingers apart. Sad, this old stuff.
Andy brought up a thought provoking question. Why the same old three chord progression. I get It. It doesn’t do a great job of promoting interest. I actually get tired of this song rather quickly and that is all on me. I think I am going to google progressions in E or Em and see what I can find. I wanna be able to say this track is kinda cool when I get done. Also havin friends be any part of it all is special.
Dave did a great nylon solo in my holocaust song. He was so talented on that acoustic. I did one with Emma too. She really stepped up big time.
This is what I had hoped this forum was all about…collabs?
I am gonna try some different things to light a little fire and see where it goes.
Take care ole friend