Instrumental snippet:
Hey folks, this is not quite done yet but I figured I should post like I said I would or I’ll be endlessly tweaking with no real aim as I do without guidance from you guys and never post anything haha. I actually recorded all this like 3 years ago and put it on my soundcloud here :
but now that I think I’ve gotten a bit better at mixing and gotten slightly better plugins I just tried re-mixing it from scratch…and after 3 days on/off it still sounds almost the same as the first version oh well.
Major notes are I’d like to redo the singing in a less clean, more metally, growly, blind guardian-ish way that I’m not sure if I can actually do, but now I have a sm7b whereas before i had blue spark, and maybe make the rhythm guitar layer louder overall but that probably means I’d have to fix something else like the drums and honestly i’m just at the stuck-point of mixing there’s 150 tracks and I’m overwhelmed, the vocals currently look like this
They’re color-coded and I figure the next thing I gotta do is organize them better to where there’s 4 of the best ones at the top and bring those into a cleaner project with the exported instrumental, meant only for vocal mix. Organizing always takes so much time and hard for me because even something that sounds bad dry can be the missing element once fx are on it so I don’t like to delete things, and i never like anything raw from the mic already so its hard to judge. And I dont know if when I go re-sing it if the old ones will even be worth blending.
So I wanna aim to do it more like this (VOLUME WARNING)
But somehow make the fry-ey stuff better, I’m not sure if I have to belt more because this is like talk-gravel level and I honestly don’t know how to scream. I’ve had vocal lessons but they don’t teach you how to sing like this into a mic or the effects that can make the difference. In that above clip as it continues I solo the vocals and turn off the effects to compare.
Here’s a video (if you click it the links works) where i break it down to guitar, drum and bass but you dont have to watch the whole thing, what im most curious about is if you skip to 3 mins in where I demo the raw guitars, is guitar supposed to sound that dull? I suspect the pickups are bad or something. This is a $100 epiphone SG plugged direct into a $100 presonus audiobox usb, would you be able to get a good, defined sound from that even with pro plugins? I only mostly have free stuff. I feel like the sound i get is ok but its overly hissy and noisey and when I turn down highs it just gets muffled not clear. With this it’s hard to have defined chords and palm muting stand out, and it acts more like a synth pad. Or maybe I’m mixing wrong, tis why im showing dries.
Anyways I’ve rambled too much take a listen let me know what you think and how to improve, thanks! And if you do watch the video and see im doing something very wrong in reaper i’d love tips haha
Edit: Added an instrumental snippet version