Ridge Runner

I was in Lowes home center a few weeks ago and I met a guy who sings. We got talking about home recording and I asked him if he had any songs online that I could listen to. Wes told me he had one song online and that he recorded it when he was in Nashville. I am posting his song on here to get some feedback for him. I am not sure where in Nashville he had this recorded. I told him about the IRD and I mentioned I would post his song for feedback. Thanks in advance, James.

yup this is good. The guitar licks/fill are unbelievable. a touch hot IMHO

Predictable format, that has always worked. Great vocal

I would have like to hear some harmony in that chorus. Maybe a sprinkle of mouth harp here and there or something a bit quirky??? congrats btw

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Thanks Paul, it’s not my song but if you think it is, then we can just leave it at that. :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the review! This might not be your song, but I will review it anyway. Excellent guitar work. Singing is pretty good. Nice song and recording!

Hey! Thanks for sharing that! I hope he finds his way in here and starts sharing some more of his work. I agree the guitar work is really solid. Actually, drums and bass are also. Mixwise, I think the vocals are sitting just a bit proud of the rest of the band. I’d probably pull those back just a bit so they sit in with band. But that’s my personal opinion. Anyway, if you’re still in contact with him, it’d be awesome if you could get him to pop in here!

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