Recommendation for a Free Pitch Shift Plug-In?

Hey guys,

Looking for a recommendation for a pitch shift plugin

I’d like to have the ability to throw something on my stereo out, and shift everything from 440hz to 432hz, or shift the stereo output half a step down etc.

This is mainly for the purpose of rehearsals - I like to drop all the songs from a set list into my DAW but the band I’m currently in plays half a step down and I’d like to rehearse in the same key as we are going to play in (since I’m singing some stuff too)

Thanks in advance!

I’ve used reapitch which comes with reaper for a similar purpose and it worked ok. I believe it is available in the reaplugs bundle for free.
have fun

I’ve used ReaPitch for that exact purpose and it worked perfectly.

Do the ReaPlugs work for Mac? Appears to be windows only?

Looking for a Mac solution (running Cubase 6.5)

You could download Audacity for Mac. It has a pitch shift that works fine.