Peaceful Easy Feeling, Eagles 1972

“Peaceful Easy Feeling” is a song written by Jack Tempchin and recorded by the Eagles. It was the third single from the band’s 1972 debut album Eagles.

Jack Tempchin wrote the song during a period in which he was performing at folk coffee shops around his hometown of San Diego, birthplace of my son Enrico, and daughter Clarissa.

Peace and Love to all peoples of the world!!!

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Beautiful Sir Rene. Could have sped it up a tad maybe??? I sang harmony thru the chorus and it was good. Just needed one more voice to fill it up. ha ha I thought the Eagles actually wrote this. A valuable morning factoid. peace and love man

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Hi feaker,
Always great to hear from you, especially as I am having my first coffee in the morning.
What a great treat!!!
You are absolutely correct, the next time I perform this classic, I will definitely speed it up. I can almost hear your beautiful harmony on this tune.
Thank you Sir Paul!!!

Nice one Rene! I do like some Eagles songs from their earlier country/folk phase, like this one and Take It Easy. Maybe a couple more, I’d have to listen back to that album. I’d agree with Paul that maybe a slightly faster tempo for it would be good, but that may be because of my memory of the original. I liked The Eagles even more when Joe Walsh joined and they did the Hotel California/Fast Lane ‘Rock’ stuff. I believe they did work with numerous songwriters who ran in their circles; J.D. Souther, Jackson Browne, etc?


Hi Stan,
I really appreciate your great feedback.
I agree with speeding up the song a bit.
I love the Eagles, and I grew up with their songs!
Thank you, Stan, as always!