Noise-nothing ventured, nothing gained

I am going to toss this one up here. Thanks @holster for making this catagory happen. I am in a nit of a dry/lazy spell, but I soon will throw out some soundart here. Stayed tuned!

I have a concept collection I have in mind ,that has a theme, which will contain about 4 or 5 provocations. If I am left alone to my own devices, it will get too kinky and weird. I will be looking for some help.

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well, we can’t leave you to your own devices then… how scary would that be?
I’m happy to join in the party!! Bit of a busy time of year for me but I am usually always available for spontaneous musical expostulations…


I has to turn out better then our other fiasco , I am still upset my computer crashed , with all of the files in it. I tried in vain to get at least some audio out, did not work. Oh well here is to new-found adventures!

Have you guys started working on something yet?

@Emma insists on doing all of the singing, she said my singing brings her visions of horribly unclipped toenails! If I had any feelings left, they would have been hurt…

Just kidding…nothing visioned yet…

I’m always game for collabs, if you so desire.

Be careful of what you sign up for! Ha! I am definitely keeping all of this in consideration. Thanks!

You are SUCH a wally captn… and i still am sad that collab disintegrated coz it was sounding sooo cool :sunglasses: so what’s up doc???

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Experiment 1


Experiment 2

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