No Peace in La Paz 2020 remix

So there was this band, Charas, from the 90s who are a total unknown but are extremely talented, and the singer/guitarist is my friend from GarageBand days. Anyway, I visited him in England in 2005 and sent him a demo song I had written shortly after I got back. This is what they did with it.

2005 Version-

It is in my opinion my best song ever, largely because I wrote the words and basic tune only and left the rest to them. So much to my surprise, I received a new mix this week, adding a real bass, some more guitar, and a lot more processing. To my ears, having grown attached to the original for so long, I was at first a little bit prejudiced against the changes, but the more I listened the more I liked the new one.

2020 Version-

Now I am feeling like I have two extremely good versions, the new one not so much replacing the old as supplementing it. I think people in general might find one to be more their cup of tea than the other, and since this is the place to get bashed, especially for production, I am intrigued as to how you guys react to them.

If I were rich, I’d hire them to be my band on all my songs!

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Very interesting to see the same song from two points of view.
I’d prefer the second one where the mix sounds more under control and then let more room to the lead vocal (which is the main goal to me).
Whereas the old mix has more character more movements.
At the end, which is better is a matter of taste and what it supposes to fill (personnal taste? reaching audience? radio ready?..)

By the way, very nice song to me and despite the differences, I really enjoyed both versions.

Nice song @steban! I liked both versions, but prefer the second. Great idea to just let a good band take your song and make their own interpretation of it. You have to let go of your baby and see were it goes… Maybe I should try that too :thinking:
Can’t say much about the recording, just listening to laptop speakers now.

I guess I’ve been out of my own loop for 2 weeks, but thanks for listening! I am leaning now more to the new version as well, but 15 years got me used to the original.

If you do get the chance to let someone else record your song, it can be quite a remarkable thing if you are lucky. Some days I feel like the songs of a lot of indie unsigned home recording loner types could benefit occasionally significantly from more collaboration, but it isn’t particularly natural for us to seek it.

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Thank you for reviewing my music! Now listening to your older version song: I’m assuming you sang this? It sounds like you to me. Surprising to me to hear a song with a reggae (?) beat from you. Everything about it is very good! It got me moving. I’ve been on several Caribbean cruises, and this beat always reminds me of that area of the world. Though this song has more of a rock vibe at times too. Sounds very good. I can picture this on the radio, especially in the 80’s. Now I’m listening to the newer version. It sounds a bit more modern, not surprisingly. The electric bass stands out more: an especially tasty bass riff during the verse. It’s very good, though I actually like the older version better overall. Rock on man!

Actually, Aaron, my friend Graham Hunt sings it. He has a great voice and took my original song and with his band members from the 90s band Chillum Brothers turned it into what it is.

I have a soft spot for reggae, and I have a songwriter’s dozen of songs that lean that way. I usually do sing though. Graham helped so much on several others, Waiting for What, The Life Online being reggae/rock, and I try hard on Rainy Day Reggae and Memory of a Melody that are in BTR.

I agree with you most days! The new bass is quite tasty, though.

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