New here ! Hi!

Hi everyone !

I’m new here, so let’s make a little presentation.

I’m a home studio recorder in France (25200). I’m working with Reaper (i’ve paid it!). I can do free mix, recording and master, because i love it!

I’m also musician, and make a bit of music.

Well, i think it’s it ^^ if you have any questions!


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Welcome to the forum Jo. I look forward to reading you around.

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Welcome! Get Jo ass in here and look around! If you need any help, just ask. If you can help out someone…awesome!


Welcome Jo! Glad to have you with us.

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Great to have you here! Really looking forward to hearing some of your work. Feel free to post any of it on here either to have us advise, or just to enjoy. Have fun!!

Welcome welcome!

Hi Jo. Where in France? I’m in Northern UK but wife & I are Francophiles (perhaps Bretonphiles) at heart.
Welcome to the new madhouse.

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Bienvenue Jo ! Content de voir un compatriote musicien ici ! :wink:

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Hey, welcome here, I hope you’ll find some frienship!
Français aussi, mais de l’autre côté du pays :sweat_smile:

I live half the time at sochaux, half the time at Valence.

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