Music to check out; will return the favor! New as of May 18th!

I put 2 songs in my music website: “In Your Own Way” is the song on top, and “East Meets West Again” (an instrumental) is the next song down. Please tell me how you like the music, and how it can be improved, and I will return the favor! Here is my link:

In your own way has a great fifties vibe. Got me swaying back in forth. The lead break is a long to me. I like words :slight_smile: Lots of potential.

East meets west sounds like a movie track. I’m not even sure what fusion means :slight_smile:
Keep pumping them out…one of these times…

Thank you for checking out both songs, and reviewing them; I appreciate it! Fusion with music (style) is like the combination of at least two styles of music. I see “East Meets West Again” as a combination of rock electric guitar music with Eastern/Middle Eastern/Eastern Indian style music. “Jazz fusion” definition (for example): is a popular music genre that developed in the late 1960s when musicians combined jazz harmony and improvisation with rock music, funk, and rhythm and blues".

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Haha! Nice. I know you’ve been at this quite a while now - your productions really are coming along. Sounds like the work you’ve been putting into getting better at this stuff is paying off.

The guitar solo on ‘In your own way’ made me smile. :smile: Fit the ‘vibe’ of the song perfectly!

Thank you for checking out my music and replying! I appreciate it! If you have music you want me to review, leave me a link.