Money Shot - Track #3,4

In the hustler R&B ep series I am producing, here are a couple more tracks. Fairly rough still, but initial thoughts matter! Theres always gonna be strings lol ā€¦ but i skipped the flute in these. I have the auto tune cranked up in areas on purpose. nohate :sweat_smile:



Overall, these sound good to me. Iā€™m drawing a blank as to what changes these need.

It sounds like the vocals have a lot of saturation or maybe my ears are shot after recording for so many hours.

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It all sounds pretty slick and right in line for the genre. The effect on the vocal fits, and the beat is right where you want it to be.
My only nit would be the chromatic descending bass line just as a personal choice. Once you bring it in, it has to repeat, and to me it clutters things up a touch on an otherwise very nicely open track. Just a thought, everything else sounds great.

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Wow, it sounds great and a tiny bit different from your recent cover :slight_smile:
The mix are really great but from what I remembered for that genre, I think kick drum should be stronger and need more room for it (as it really kicks a****)

Here is something to illustrate

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