Lyric Writing Drill - Episode 2

No wrong answers here…

I will start a witch a lyric. Use is as a line in the verse, chorus, bridge, whatever you like. Provide as much or as little as you can come up with. Collaborate with others to finish the song, or run with it on your own. Have fun!


“Racing through the wreckage, we’ll never back down from the fight.”

Doesn’t have to be the opening line. Do what you like with it :slight_smile:

OK, go!

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We don’t care what you think. Like it or not we’ll do what’s right.

Keep going! I’d love to see how this plays out :slight_smile:

“I lost a lot of friends, when the ship went down that night”


very good! I like the imagery of that line

She’s dark and she’s evil; some say she’s a witch
But I know she’s just a sly, cold-blooded bitch.

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She’s mean and deceitful, with a heart full of tricks
She’ll leave you with wounds no doctor can stitch.

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