This is a very short video, but it says a lot in very little time.
For example, check out the cool bass arrangement trick he inadvertently mentions in passing from about 1 min on - never thought of that one before, but I must try it!
His “go to” treatment of kick & bass and their roles in the frequency spectrum is the opposite of my first instinct, but anyone familiar with his work with The Black Keys & Arctic Monkeys (& in possession of a subwoofer) will instantly recognize how he makes that sound work to great effect… & then there’s the whole reverb on bass thing too!.. really cool stuff…
Yeah, I kinda liked his mumbling style of presentation. I wish MWTM had a monthly membership, rather than having to shell out for a whole year - I’d love to see the whole video.
I’ve found that silence can be a wonderful tool… for me, it seems like light and shade… it gives that contrast… by allowing space/less sound in a mix, you enable a greater positioning for the actual sounds. Love this stuff!