This song is also quite long. It is nothing like The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald aside from being verbose and trying to record a bit of tragic history. I am not as keen on the vocal melody. The music came first, and I just tried to follow it. I feel like someone else could do it much better.
Lahaina Fire by Steve Bancroft
Such a sleepy quaint town in paradise
On the northwest coast of the isle
Picture perfect postcard touristy nice
Who could ever have imagined it turned so vile
Brush fires in the upper country burned all night
The faint smell of smoke lingered in the air
People went to work the same as every day
It seemed so far away as dinners were prepared
And home from work families sat down to eat
Until they glanced outside and right down the street
The horizon itself seemed completely ablaze
Flames leaping from rooftops, exploding palm trees
The winds blew strong like a tropical storm
The flames advanced at a mile a minute
No one was warned, they didn’t sound the alarm
You couldn’t outrun it, just helplessly stuck in it
Some ran to the beach, some jumped into pools
Their cars stuck in traffic couldn’t go anywhere
How could this be happening, trapped like fools
Suddenly in deadly danger and filled with despair
It came on so fast, and just as fast it was over
Like a blast from an atom bomb
You were so lucky if you could find cover
But it was not to be the fate for some
It was not to be the fate for some
What had been their homes, their beautiful village
In an hour reduced to rubble and ash
Nothing remained, not a keepsake or picture
All worldly possessions destroyed in a flash
All they had left was stored on a phone
Or preserved in the cloud to be sure
But over a hundred died, burned to the bone
And a thousand more were unaccounted for
How could this happen, was there no plan
The authorities and the news did inquire
Were the power lines downed by the wind to blame
That caused the Lahaina fire
They knew that the grid needed to be hardened
To alleviate their worst potential fears
Precisely by the kind of weather which was common
Yet they did nothing at all for many years
And now it has happened in Lahaina
Their place in history books now appears
As the deadliest fire in all America
In well over a hundred years
I drive through Lahaina on Maui
On my honeymoon long time ago
On the way to see waterfalls and black sand beaches
It was a cool place honeymooners would go
Such a picturesque island in paradise
Where I dreamed I could one day retire
Now burned to the ground just to save a few bucks
By the terrible Lahaina fire
Some say it is just Mother Nature again
Like volcanoes, tsunamis and bad hurricanes
Sometimes it’s floods from torrential rains
Sometimes it’s fire not started by man
But no matter the disaster, we’d acted in time
We’d save many lives, and if we don’t it’s a crime
Profits are evil when the greedy conspire
And they are responsible for the terrible Lahaina fire