Just a little manicure on my middle finger

Hello community.
I know I haven’t surfaced in awhile, haven’t had much musically going on lately.
Something new in the pipeline brings me back and, as I have come to respect the experience that I have encountered here in the past, I, again ask you for your opinion/thoughts/review/critique/bashing.

I may have already posted Middle Finger Free but, today, a new version was made. Some may call it a collaboration between artists while others would say that my Middle Finger was Produced. Either way, I’d like to hear from you. I don’t have specifics, mostly I like hearing people’s first impressions but I am receptive to whatever you may feel needs addressing with this new master.

I will post 2 versions. My original and the revised one and in that order.
thank you

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Yeah the balance is better on the second one. It has more energy because of that. I really dig this song. Well done.

Completely agree on all points :heart_eyes:

The sound of the bass in the first version fits the song better though I think :slight_smile: Or maybe its the fact that its a bit more prominent in the first version.