I’m pumped to hear what you’re coming up with for this!! Good to hear from you @Cristina. Hope all is well!
I doubt I’m going to find time to participate. Between the day job and the sound company growing, I don’t much feel like trying to record in my down time. lol
I have spent 30 minutes searching everywhere for the deadline on Fever, Try the search engine…ha ha I forgot and am still a bit interested. if you know it, please tell me where it is posted for my satisfaction of knowing it was not easy to find.
old bumbler
End of July
its no big deal that I don’t get crap right all the time anymore
I’m still planning on entering the contest. I’ve only visualized my cover concept of Fever so far. It’s been floating around in my brain for a month or so but I haven’t focused much on it. I have the groove, some lyrics, a basic chord structure and arrangement ideas, but nothing has been written down or recorded yet. I’m a big procrastinator.
End of july is approaching fast but few votes…
Can we activate the community to get off their buts and cast a vote? I’d hate to be judged on the basis of one vote only.
Unfortunately not many contestants yet either…
I’ll definitely be voting. I’ve been waiting for most of the entries to be submitted so I can compare them all in the same state of mind. No entry from me however, I’ve been wrapped up in home improvements and the inspiration bug just never bit on this one…
End of July is just the last day to enter. We start voting after that
So there’s hope yet
I changed a bunch of things in mine and I think it sounds more lively, but I have my kids and grandkids here for a week. I actually have to put the studio away for more room in an upstairs bedroom. Tried last night to finish it. ha ha slacker
I am sad to say i am going to have to admit defeat. I have been working on a project, building wood guitar stands that we are taking to the Vancouver Guitar show and I was thinking i might have enough made by now but i have not so it is going to be 11 pm nights all week. i really wanted to enter so that there is enough people to do another because i really want to get involved once things slow down.
I’m going to start recording my entry right here and now, 2 minutes to midnight.
Do you think I still have a remote chance? Like maybe a snowball’s chance in hell?
No worries! You still have 9.5 hours!
That means 12 am “West Coast” time?
I’m an east coaster, so I thought I only had 6.5 hours.
I’ll need those extra 3 hours!
exactly right!

No worries! You still have 9.5 hours!
I ended up working the full 9.5 hours and I wasn’t able to complete the song to my satisfaction. Would have liked to give this forum another song to evaluate. Ah, procrastination is a helluva condition. Let’s see if I can do better next time. I guess I couldn’t do any worse than I did this time.