Hey gang

WhiteStrat here. How’s everybody?


Hey Bob - welcome!

Welcome! Hope you have fun here!

I need help with usernames. You obviously know who I am, but who are you?

Never mind. My name is in my profile–duhh! (I thought you knew me from another forum–I use the same user name at other site.)

I’m Andrew, btw. Aka “fHumble fHingaz” @ RR.

Hey @WhiteStrat! Welcome! We’re all settling in over here. Having fun :slight_smile:
Make sure you check out the mix contest we just started the other day!


Welcome here! Even if I’m quite new here :wink:

@Kakeux! Is it you?!? I hope so! Good to see you! How are things?

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Yes it is…I’m doing well thanks. I hope.to contribute here as much as I can…and that it will help me as RR was.

Glad you started this! Awesome


Welcome @WhiteStrat! to our growing community!

hey there!

Welcome! Thanks for checking in! Have fun and let us know if you have any questions :+1:

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