Hey man. I was poking around on your website and I noticed something.
This is what my browser looks like when I first sign into your site
For a new visitor, intuitively, your first click is here:
I don’t think you realized that on these first four pages, several plugins including your 10db package and Sasquatch do not appear as options. This made me and a couple others here (on an earlier thread) think that you had discontinued Sasquatch and the 10db set.
Next I tried clicking here.
…and it gives you the same thing.
I realized the only way to access the 10db and Sasquatch is by clicking this little plus icon which is almost impossible to find, because its a separate link from the ‘plugins’.
NOW -see thing whole library
Again, the problem is the ‘+’ symbol is hard to find. I’d say do 2 things:
- make the ‘plugins’ dropdown menu on the left bar automatically open the whole menu AND NOT bring you to the plugins page. So remove the + that opens the folder dropdown menu, and make the folder dropdown menu open automatically when someone clicks plugins.
- Add the 10db/Hoser/Sasquatch to the bests sellers plugin PAGE unless you are trying to avoid those getting bought because you want to phase them out.
Even though it says “Best Selling Plugins” - its not obvious that there are more, since the list of ‘best sellers’ is four pages deep.
…if you haven’t sold many of those lately, that could easily be a reason why