
Hi there. This post needs to be 20 characters. That should do it. Hello!

Hello and welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy it here!

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Howdy antihero,

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Hello and welcome! Feel free to post some links to your music here if you wish!


Hello and welcome! Where are you from?

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Welcome antihero! Great screen name btw, some of my favorite pieces of writing feature antiheroes. :slight_smile: Hope you have fun with us!

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Welcome to the forum. Glad you found us.

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I like antiheroes too. Travis Bickle, Walter White, doing bad things for good reasons resonates with me.

But unfortunately my screen name is not that thoughtful. I was just looking around my room and saw one of my skateboards. It’s from a company called “antihero”. Good skateboards. I thought it’d be a decent screen name. :rofl:


When I was a kid, that was embodied by Robin Hood. Times change, and the modern versions may be significantly different, but even today some public figures advocate for “stealing from the rich to give to the poor” :wink:, so …

Well that’s better than stealing from the poor to give to the rich.


Truer words were never spoken!

My favorite antihero is Thomas Covenant, the protagonist of the 9-volume series of books by my favorite living writer, Stephen R. Donaldson (3 series of three books each, each written more than a decade apart). It takes the sort of standard, Tolkien-esque fantasy world and stands it entirely on its head. My second favorite antihero is by the same author, whose “Gap” series did for science fiction what his Covenant series did for fantasy. Ambiguity writ large!

There are lots of legal ways to do that, depending on your interpretation and definition of ‘stealing’. It’s also the basis for what some people call “income inequality”, and hence the desire to turn the tables per the Robin Hood example. But at that point, it gets into “class warfare”, and that’s a whole other can of worms. :face_with_monocle: :exploding_head:

Welcome mate,
Hope to see you around.

Welcome, antihero! I am a bit late on the scene, which is not unusual for me. And I’m looking forward to hearing more of your music and possibly your music knowledge after the Covid-19 song. Great opener!

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Hey thank you!


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