I am looking for decent headphones that I can monitor off of a headphone mix while it mutes as much of the band bleed as possible.
I have Beyer DT770Pro but as time goes I don’t think they block as much. Changed the earcups with official replacements but I do get a lot of bleed these days.
Let me know what you use and like for this situation. We’re not too loud but loud enough to cut above a rock drummer.
I tried the Vic Firth, the middle of the line ones and hated them so much that I gave them to our drummer at the time. I will give htme credit though - they did isolate well. Awful frequency response, very bass heavy and midrange especially sounded like mosquitoes.
I have these…and they were fine originally, I think they’ve gotten much loose as practicing with them I definitely notice they don’t cut off as much as what I remember. Back in the day in commercial studio I easily used them to do mic placement on cabs. Changed the pads on these too…
Have you considered a pair of in–ears instead? The reason I suggest this is they physically block external sounds far better than pads on or over your ears. I fit 3rd party, triple flange tips to my IEMs for about 20dB of isolation, great for hearing preservation.
Scullcandy and 1MORE both make rugged, good sounding in–ears that won’t strain your budget.
I do have in ears…the singer stole my extension chord to run his yesterday. I’ll try with mine next time…and you’re right - didn’t think of that but can put cheap sound iso contractor headphones over it.
Practice probably won’t be much fun.
Got the preamps and ran first trial, it was better than practicing with the PA cranked.
Turned out pretty good, the whole band is much happier. The drummer’s headphone cable gave up the ghost almost immediately, cheap 1/8 stereo chord (Vic Firth drum iso headphones). He has in-ear monitors as well, so we just switched him to these.
The DR-770 Pro are pretty good but isolation is not that much, there is bleed so I have to crank more. I might be getting some strain on the ears so I’ll try cheap in-ears next.
I ended up getting one of the XVives to test also! I haven’t gigged with it yet, and I know it can run into conflicts with nearby wifi because it runs on 2.4, but I’m wifi savvy, so I’m not too concerned. lol