Greetings good people!

Hello! I’m Blair… currently in San Francisco/Bay Area by way of Toronto, Canada.

I’ve been a musician for 30 years, and an off-on engineer for probably 25. Went to school for audio a long time ago, learned on 2-inch tape and a not-always-functioning Neve console. Worked as an engineer for a while then got out for some time, but have always maintained a home setup of some kind.

Fast forward to about 3 years ago, I decided to get back into things on a more serious level… and here I am now! I’ve been working on my mixing skills, and outfitting myself to at the very least have a nice little home studio.

I can be a bit of a lurker but I’m trying to break out of that shell, so I look forward to at least attempting to participate! Woohooo! Cheers!


@blairhall1974 Welcome! Feel free to use the site as you wish. Ask if you need any help or you may be able to help us out too! Glad to have you.

Hi there Blair - welcome!! Great to have you out-lurking here…
and yep, some of us still remember the aulde 2" tape… :slight_smile:


Welcome ! Glad you found us.

So cool to have you here! I’m looking forward to hearing your work and hope to see you around here more. We’re a mostly harmless group here :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Welcome Blair ! I think you’ll have a nice time hanging here ! :slight_smile: And good luck with getting things to a more serious lvl :stuck_out_tongue:

Welcome Blair! Nice back story you have there, I’m sure you will fit right in around here. Hope you get into the threads, it’s a pretty great bunch here, so don’t lurk too much. :grin:

Nice…which Neve?

Not always functioning? Isn’t the pretty much all of them?? haha. Just kidding. They’re a pain the ass but when they do their thing they’re beautiful indeed :smiley:

Welcome mate.
Sounds great!

If I recall correctly it was an 8068. Funny thing though… they had 2 studios, one with the Neve running into ADATs(???) and the other with a Soundtracs (Ghost I think) running into an MCI 2" machine. The Soundtracs was no slouch, but I always thought the console/recorder combos were backwards… Cheers!

Welcome Blair!! You are not alone…I’m breaking out as well. Lol

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