Hi there all, I’m a mixing and mastering engineer from Massachusetts, found this forum when searching for some info on collapsing mixes down to mono on the master bus. Saw the thread on that, and the info / plug-in info by @bozmillar regarding Mongoose, which I might drop the modest $ for! (thanks for going into detail on that dude!!) Going to try this going forward as it makes a TON of sense to me.
Not new to the game as I’ve been at it for 12 years now, but definitely new to the forum, looks like exactly the kinna place I dig. \m/ Hopefully I can share as much knowledge as I ween! (i just love the word WEEN)
Greetings from Texas, @nebulon5! I’m just a hobbyist, but I have enjoyed the site, got some Boz Digital VSTs myself to help me out, and even though most is above my head, I have always felt at home here. There’s a healthy combo of musical nerdiness and expertise afoot, and there’s always room for another opinion.