And with that I totally agree. It’s cute when girls do that. My fiance’s pet name from her best friend is “hooker”, her name to her best friend is “dirty b&*ch”. That kind of thing is acceptable. But stuff like black people abusing the N word wouldn’t be quite the same. They can say it amongst themselves and that’s fine if they feel the need… What I hate about THAT scenario is, for quite a few years now, that word has been the ugliest word that could be said to them. They’ve hated it, fought about it and killed because of it. Why on earth would they think it’s a good word to use? That makes no sense to me. Where you and your girlfriends are “inside” and find the little names funny or whatever, this is a situation where I think it’s a totally different animal. I don’t find it cute or even humorous when they say that as every other word.
I can’t totally answer that, but I would think society as well as people with common sense would agree with the obvious.
Rioting and looting because someone feels a person was dealt a bad hand is wrong. I think what happened to George Floyd was horrendous. However, what happened after it was wrong. To destroy businesses and loot them for this reason, anyone not seeing this as wrong is a part of the problem in MY opinion.
We had a 5 year old boy shot in the head and killed by a black man right in front of the little kid’s sister because he rode his bike on the black man’s lawn. We did not riot, we did not loot. Why? Because it’s wrong…and trust me, this little boy was done more of an injustice than George Floyd, who was under arrest for a reason and who had also been on the wrong side of the law numerous times. No, he didn’t deserve to die…neither did the little kid. Businesses shouldn’t have been looted nor should there have been riots and innocent people harmed.
When a police officer stops you, why on earth would you take the chance of upsetting him by saying “I don’t need to show you s^&t” when you’re asked for your license? Why do people feel they can write the laws as they go along or feel they need to exercise some right that only makes a problem escalate? If you are an innocent person, wouldn’t the right thing be to show your credentials, behave like a human being and do the right thing? Defying the police because you don’t feel you need to respect or listen to them is wrong. They were given the power for a reason. Not all are bad.
So I mentioned being on ride alongs with my buddy. We go to a park where there are 15 cars parked on the park grass. They are not allowed to be on the grass. There are signs all along the road where they specifically say no parking on the grass or you will be ticketed and towed. There was a party of black people enjoying themselves. Because the vehicles were on the grass and breaking the law, my buddy checked some tag numbers. At the time, we didn’t know it was a black party. All we saw were cars.
When he found the party, he NICELY asked every single person there individually to please move their cars. He could have had them all ticketed and towed. Instead he asked each person to please move their car. One of the cars, came back with a stolen license plate. When he found the lady that owned the car, he asked her to show him her credentials because the car was coming up stolen. He did NOT accuse her of stealing it. She said she was the owner and that his information was wrong. He agreed it could be and simply asked for her to please show some proof she was the legit owner. This turned into “oh, you’re gonna shoot me in front of my kids because I’m black?”
He never raised his voice. He never accused her and he never even touched his gun. By this time, all the people he had asked nicely to move their cars moved in on him thinking he must have threatened this woman. I’m sitting there in the car with the doors locked ready to grab the shot gun and jump on the radio to call for help because it was him against 25 people. To me, this whole situation was wrong. He handled it right and the race card was played once again. This is what happens in America on a daily basis. I can’t tell you how many “get out of here pig” folks he met that day when I drove with him. It was pathetic. They are pathetic.
Double standard wrongs: If I created WLM (White Lives Matter) there would be a major stink about it. I think it’s wrong and a double standard. If I wanted to create that, I should be allowed to without worrying about backlash of any kind. I can go on and on listing things that are OK for blacks that are NOT ok for whites. This is wrong on all counts. They can’t constantly use their color as a crutch, Emma. And that’s what they do. They can’t continue to blame society or we white people for slavery or other injustices. They are blaming the wrong people.
It’s just like people in other countries that accuse the USA of being a crap country. We Americans don’t wish anyone harm. We don’t want to war with you. We don’t want your land. We aren’t asked whether or not we want to send troops to your country. We vote for people who chirp one song before they get in office and do something else once they get there. I can assure you, if there was a vote from the American people to see what WE had to say about doing things to other countries, people would have a different opinion of us. We just pay rent to live here. Not all of us are gun toting American lunatics like Ted Nugent. We actually love others and have no control over the things that happen. Yet every time, other countries will despise the American people just like blacks keep blaming us over and over for slavery. I’ve never bombed or wished war on anyone. I’ve never owned a slave and I’ve never mistreated anyone due to their race or religion nor have I every shown any forms of racism. When I speak of WLM, or WET, it is not something I want or hope happens. I’m saying if it were to materialize, it should be allowed without threats of any kind. If I wanted to create the United Caucasian College Fund for kids that will never go to college without it, I should be able to.
As I said before in this thread, ask a person in their 70’s or 80’s what real racism is. People of today know nothing about what it is nor do they know what it really means. They were born into a world where they dated white women and were accepted by white people from the beginning. I’m by no means saying racism doesn’t exist. I’m just saying it doesn’t exist to the extent they try to make everyone believe.
Wrong is disrespect, ignorance, double standards and holding onto racial injustice that doesn’t really exist in some of their lives. The racism now exists towards white people as WE are called racists every day even when we are not. God forbid someone says something, they lose a job. I’ll never forget the sports caster that made a mention of a certain black quarterback in football having the same color skin as the ball. He mentioned that it made it hard to see whether or not the QB still had the ball. He meant it in an advantage way and was praising this QB. The QB in question wasn’t offended by his statement and found it truthful. The man was fired. So mentioning a God given weapon about a man’s skin the way he was born being an advantage is wrong? Seriously?
The slangs used for us are acceptable though. When was the last time you heard a black person fired for calling another black person the N word or for calling white people a slang? Never. It won’t ever happen, and if it does, the news won’t report it. The same with the little 5 year old that died, shot in front of his sister. No press, no rioting, no looting. It’s only news when white does something to black. Never the other way around.
We had more violence in the riots, looting, and business disturbances than the storming of the US Capitol. A gang took over a portion of a city and that city allowed it…yet it was all swept under the rug and no one really paid for anything. Imagine losing your business and all you own and no one does a thing. Insurance only helps so much. In the meantime while you wait for it, how do you survive? Yet they keep going on about that Capitol building. It’s all “wrong”. Yet one seems to always get excused when other situations are always in the news. These are the types of “wrong” I see as blatantly obvious whether anyone else sees them that way or not.
Last scenario, and this one I’ll never understand. I’m a gun owner. I have had relentless background checks for every firearm I own. If I buy a hand gun, I must send away for a permit which takes me 5 months to get along with a background check. Once that comes in and I buy a gun, I am background checked AGAIN to see if anything has changed in 5 months. I pay for these checks or I don’t get a gun. I’m perfectly ok with the checks. So I get the hand gun. Tomorrow I want a rifle. I don’t need a permit for this. I go to the shop and buy the gun. I can’t have it because another background check has to be done. I just got one this week, right? I pay for another. Again, I’m okj with this.Yet, the leaders we have wish to take away my guns. I’ve never crossed the line. I would never cross the line. The criminals will have guns with big magazines loaded with bullets they buy off the streets. I will have my police defunded, and my second amendment taken away, yet I was never a threat and all I want to do is protect my family and shoot at a range. So…here are the things that REALLY don’t make sense. Look them up if you don’t believe me.
Help me understand the logic of this:
Is Logic the same thing as common sense?
Eleven teens die each day because of texting while driving. Maybe it’s time to raise the age of Smart phone ownership to 21. Read that first sentence again. That’s 11 too many.
If gun control laws actually worked, Chicago would be Mayberry. (Andy Griffith show fictitious city)
The Second Amendment makes more women equal than the entire feminist
Legal gun owners have 300 million guns and probably a trillion rounds of ammo. Seriously, folks, if we were the problem, you’d know it.
When JFK was killed, nobody blamed the rifle.
The NRA murders 0 people and receives $0 in government funds. Planned Parenthood kills 350,000 babies every year and receives $50,000,000 in tax dollars annually.
I have no problem with vigorous background checks when it comes to firearms as I mentioned. While we’re at it, let’s do the same when it comes to immigration, Voter I.D and Candidates running for office. Also for welfare recipients.
You don’t need a smoke detector; that’s what the fire department is for. Now… if you think that sounds stupid, you know how I feel when you say I don’t need a gun.
Folks keep talking about another Civil War. One side knows how to shoot and has a trillion bullets. The other side has crying closets and is confused about which bathroom to use. How do you think that’s going to end?
To me, all of the above are blatant instances of wrong. We can’t fix the wrong until people can admit they are wrong. I have no issues admitting when I’m wrong and will apologize profusely and will do my best to not make the same mistake again. Just like the audio world, at any time when I’ve talked about something, I would also give advice or lead with examples. We don’t just say something is wrong without offering how to fix it. I can list a fix for anything I’ve mentioned as wrong. But that would be a novel you probably wouldn’t want to read because I’m probably boring you already. 