Fever contestant

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[poll name=poll2 type=number min=1 max=10 step=1]

Good luck to all other contestants. [poll name=poll2 type=number min=1 max=10 step=1]

[/] [poll ]


All right Mr. F this is a great idea! I don’t know what style this is but it works; great harmonies and lyrics and cool guitar to boot.

I think you need the vote thingy though?

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Could somebody help me get my fever entry equipped with a voting thangy. I have been at this for three hours.

Open up the entry for editing, go to the little gear thingy at the end of the top line and click. You get options to use in the poll so just make it look like everybody elses.

I shouldn’t help you, your entry is too damn good!

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Ha ha, you kill me. I think CRS might have done it for me pathetic as I am.

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Hey Paul,
Not only a genuine Feaker, but one of the best!
You’ve taken the original idea, completely made it your own, and made a new song out of it. That’s originality for you! More than that, your recording is well done, the 2 voices work together in a lovely way. I like the laid back guitar solo, sort of JJ Cale like. Well done :beerbanger:
This may not quite live up to modern day ‘radio ready’ laws, but it sure has tons of character, and who gives a shit about radio ready on indie recording anyway. One thing I was wondering about: the lyrics go …“big brown eyes and long brown hair” but I’m sure one of you is singing “brown” and the other “blonde”. Did I hear that right?
Not that it makes any difference, but getting your loved one’s hair colour wrong might just turn the song into another murder ballad :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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He Evert
Ha ha I just went back and isolated those tracks and you are absolutely right.(one blonde…one brown) Must have been Freudian thing, because I love both. I appreciate your comments a lot.
I remember the song itself from back in the day, but some of those lyrics bored the crap out of me, so I just took off on my own. I usually just need an idea and then I can run with it. I also visualize how he sees her like riding his bike and meeting her each day and then of course the fever.
Thanks again


I like the mood of this cover.


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Removed ?
Why did you remove it Paul? :flushed:

long story bud. I screwed up again. par for the course…it’s all good bro…I started thinking my song was completely original and that I shouldn’t have even entered. then I went back and read the rules.

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Hey @feaker, you were totally fine! No need to remove it. its a great version :beerbanger:

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Hey boss:) You have been so patient with me. I get easily confused. I am enjoying to be a part of a very good group here. Thanks again for your support :slight_smile:


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Sounds good on the iPad Pro.

Thanks guy. I think I came in late for the voting thangy because of my internet shortcommings:) ha ha It was really fun to do. I hope there are more of these. I was going to keep the guitar if I won and give the other stuff to forum members.??

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There’s the missing entry! This was great. The vibe of this cover is cool! Sweet guitar tones too! Nicely done, your duet worked well with this. The ending was a little abrupt. I wanted a nice long solo with a gradual fade-out. Really cool tune! Thanks for sharing it with us.

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thanks for listening. Yeah, I like a long fade out which is easy if you play the guitar and just let them ring out. The other side of the fence says shut er down quick. I did re-enter the contest, but very late.


The forum has spoken on my song. Just thought it was a little better than a 5.

It is better than a 5, Paul! Much. You have so much mood and enhanced the story quite nicely. Thanks for sharing!

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