"Dumber by the Minute" - New Demo

Here’s a new song I just finished the demo for. I’ll include the lyrics below, as that is often requested:

Dumber by the Minute

Big-shouldered lady, stares into my eyes
Tells me what she thinks I want to hear, half-truths and outright lies
It’s the same old thing, every single night
The names and faces change, but that don’t make it right
Every second watching is a second wasted
Every sip of this cup is the poison tasted
Every thought expended means that I-I-I-‘m…

I’m getting dumber by the minute
I’m getting dumber by the minute
I’m getting dumber by the minute
I’m getting dumber by the minute

It’s not too late to push this burden from my mind
Get off the couch and stop myself from going blind
Switch off the noise and give myself sometime to think
Switch on my brain and pull myself back from the brink.
Let me try to fire up my imagination
Gotta wake myself up from this state of sedation
Every minute wasted means that I-I-I-‘m…

I’m getting dumber by the minute
I’m getting dumber by the minute
I’m getting dumber by the minute
I’m getting dumber by the minute

I’m getting dumber by the minute
I’m getting dumber by the minute
I’m getting dumber by the minute
I’m getting dumber by the minute

Dumber, dumber, dumber by the minute
Dumber, dumber, dumber by the minute
Dumber, dumber, dumber by the minute
I’m getting dumber by the minute

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For a demo, this is pretty tight. Liked the chorus taking a step up each line. I am just wondering if do a track like this at a much slower pace and then step up the bpm’s by a bunch. I only say that by listening to those guitar changes, fills and lead break.
Man this is just really good.
Big shouldered lady…ha. Set the mood right off.
Was worried about your high notes might have shown some strain, but nope they sat well.
Also liked the quieter part, then the take off again. well done
I can’t comment, as you know, on the real specifics. In the old days you would have ten hits and help by this time. oh well
Gonna have a beer and watch the fireworks this evening. Take care Andy

just a final thought. /the repeating chorus line could have a couple changes in two and four. Rhymes on limit …in it…admit it…quit it…??

Tell your wife or good friend to pull back her shirt, peak down inside and spell attic

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TIGHT! I dig it.

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No, it’s all recorded at the final tempo (190bpm). When I’m setting up the recording, I record a bit of the guitar and use the “tap tempo” function to work out what I’m playing it at. Then I set up the DAW session to that tempo and start recording.

Thanks, that’s good to know.

Yeah, I thought about changing the lyrics for a bit of variety in the chorus, but whatever I came up with sounded lame and forced. It also watered down the message… after all, getting dumber while simultaneously becoming more eloquent doesn’t really make sense, does it?

Hmm… going by your final comments, my guess is that you have a completely wrong impression of what the song is about… oh well… Put it this way: The aforementioned lady is not my wife, friend, or anyone I know personally.

Thanks for the listen and comments - much appreciated!

Thanks Al!

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Very tight, good anti-TV theme, gotta like that. Very Van Halenish too, I expected some dive bombs!

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Thanks Ingo! Haha! I’m not really one for dive-bombs - did the lead on my Duesenberg Starplayer TV, so the ol’ Bigsby-style trem won’t take much more than a subtle wobble before going completely out of tune!

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That’s a neat guitar, I wasn’t familiar with those so I looked it up. Very high quality, it has some interesting features, including being pleked. They promote it as:

It wasn’t designed to do a specific job well. It was designed to bring something new to any table. It is for artists who don’t want to be restricted by their instrument and for those who are looking to create a voice of their own.

Certainly works well for you on this tune. The Bigsby has a reputation as having a certain tone whether you actually use it or not.

I hope I don’t run across one of these, at that price point I can’t fall in love with it! :blush:

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I see a little gray hair. My first electric guitar was a 60’s Gretch country gent. It looks kinda similar? good pic of both

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Killer song Andrew! Good to hear some new stuff from you. I’m pulling @flyguitarfish into this thread too. Seems like a tune he’d love to check out also :+1:

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Thank you for the review! Now your song: this sounds really good! Vocals are unusually good. Guitar work is very good. Nice song and recording! You must be getting smarter musically! :wink:


Thanks Aaron!