DIY vinyl records

Because analog rules, that’s why! Now with a small investment you can cut your own 10" records for fun and profit.

Still not convinced? We all know that money is the most important thing of all right? Well vinyl records accounted for $224 million dollars in sales in the first half of 2019 and are poised to surpass CD sales for the first time since 1986! I rest my case.

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I think it’s funny that we use CD sales as the standard to which we are comparing, as if anybody buys CDs.

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I was thinking the same think. I not only don’t buy them, I don’t even listen to them. It’s like saying that records will out sell 8-track cassette tapes at this point.

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So you’re saying you wouldn’t sit in your studio and whittle out plastic discs one at a time that neither you nor anyone you know has a turntable to play them on? I can’t believe that!

What is a turntable?

MAYbe …for $224 million. :clown_face:

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Eggs ackly. Vinyl leads this year with 14 vs. 11 CDs. 12 of those were Dark Side of The Moon in quadrophonic.
On the brighter side, the profit on those 14 sales ($37.50) surpassed the sum total of royalties paid on downloads worldwide by 34 bucks.