Dear "1" voter

How cana you see that you’ve got a 1 voter.
Even if i don’t like everything there no mix have to be rated by 1.

Weird behaviour

Yea, no reason for a “1” vote, especially if given to raise their own score.
I’ve spent the last two weeks thoroughly enjoying everyone’s mix and amazed at the creativity of our members.


It’s not that hard Moa22.
It’s only 9 votes. 1-2 per day.
I know exactly what I got so far.
Yesterday I had 8.38 and today 7.56 with one more vote. Simple math.

And I’m not the only one this happened to.

I was about 7. Had 12 votes and suddenly i was 6,21. (14 voters)
Seems like i had two “1” rated votes.
I know i am not the best but i am enough confident to think that my
work needs more than a 1…
You know what : f*ck you, dear “1” voter !


Here is a topic with a possible solution.


Same thing - no new comments but the rating has been going down. Hopefully @holster can sort things out. I hate how a-holes can throw a wrench into the works for no good reason. As @JayGee said, I have genuinely been enjoying all the different perspectives everyone has brought to this great song. Good luck everyone, and damn the a-holes.


@ManAbyss, and @miked, @Moa22 thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. I assure you this is being looked into and won’t go un-addressed.


This involves the whole community too, not just the mods. Every active member that frequents this site has a say of what they are willing to put up with. Yes , the mods can (and should) do the heavy-lifting (warning, suspending, banning problem users) but we, as a community, can decide together.

Some possible solutions:

Public polling - which has its benefits and drawbacks

Finding a way to have people give feedback (hopefully positive or solutions to what they think is “wrong”) I believe there is a rule stating aboot having a certain # of “critiques”.

Increasing turnout, which is done by the big guy, but also can be done by having contestants also promoting the contest…maybe have a prize for the member who brings in the most new member?

Increasing turnout helps a ton! And those of you that have been enjoying this site, it helps keep conversations going when you invite others. It also helps me to be able to expand what we can do.
More people means it’d be easier to host more frequent contests and giveaways. It’s a win-win for everyone

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math yes, as @moa22 explains. If your average is 8 with 10 votes, with a 1 vote it would be 81/11.
I think it happened to a lot of mixes, I personally dont think any mix here deserves a 1 tbh so I am not worried. I liked pretty much all mixes I heard, though I havent had a chance to hear them all, still dont think a mix would be 1

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Dude, you just went up several notches with me for The Trailer Boys. Every time I try to explain that show to someone they look at me like I’m stupid. Maybe I am stupid, come to think of it, since that show is one of very few I can think of that has made me laugh out loud at the television.
Maybe your friends are different, but have you ever tried to explain how they stole Sebastian’s prized train and used it to smuggle pot across the border? If they did anything other than nod to get you to shut up you are definitely a better man than I.

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It would be cool if there was a way to automate out the super outliers in both directions, or disqualify the people who are obviously voting too low. I mean, it’s an arbitrary scale, so if someone is constantly voting 2-3 for mixes that need a lot of work, that’s fine, but to vote a 1 on a mix that was clearly one of the better mixes of the bunch is quit fishy.

But I’m betting there’s no way to automate out the obvious cheaters. The best I think we can do is disqualify people who are obviously sabotaging.

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You got the 1 voter as well Michelle. :blush:
You went from 8.56 to 7.8 with one more vote.
I am watching you!:sunglasses: hehe


variable-the mean/standard deviation=z-score.

Haven’t tried. It’s definitely a cult show. I love it to death though, RIP Lahey.

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Wow i am very proud to be part of that community !!! Good reaction !
A thing :

  • we are there BC we need feedbacks about what we do
  • there are not many contestants (about 20 i suppose)

So it would not be impossible to add the obligation to vote for each contestant.
Am i crazy ?


thanx @Jonathan

no, that’s not a bad idea. The only problem is that it’s hard to tell which ones I’ve voted on and which ones I haven’t.

Agreed, I’m trying to vote on all of them but I’m not sure if I have hit everyone’s submission or not.

Oh and yeah I revieved a 1 today as well. lol

Yes, and I got another 1 voter with no feedback.
This is so much fun! :heart::heart::heart:

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