One of the coolest things about REAPER is its routing capabilities.
So, for example, to set up reference tracks in REAPER, an easy way to do it is to load each of your references on their own tracks, and mute them.
In the routing window, uncheck the send to the master/parent track. Instead, put a check in the routing matrix to send it directly to the same output as the master, but bypassing the master altogether.
To audition any of your references, just solo them. Clicking solo on and off allows you to quickly hear how your mix compares to the reference.
Doing it this way bypasses all the fx you have on the master buss. Adjust the volume on your reference to volume match your mix.
Another way to go about it is to use the Media Explorer and have the reference track loaded. This can be shown or hidden (Ctrl+Alt+X) quickly. It also bypasses the Master Bus processing, and has its own cursor, volume control, pitch, etc. This probably works better with just one reference track, rather than multiples, though I think you can create a Media Database that might hold several reference tracks - something I’ll have to try now that I think about it.
It’s a Pause on one Transport, and Play on the other. So two clicks as a minimum. If you do the in-session track method, you’re still having to solo/mute, right? So two clicks there also. Those buttons are closer together, so it may be the most efficient method in that sense, but there may be other workflow aspects to using either method.
I do think it’s a matter of workflow and preferences either way. The Media Database thing is cool as you can easily access multiple reference files and even change them out on the fly, and it keeps them out of the session when you don’t need them. But there are advantages to the in-session track method too, I had just quit doing that for the most part to use the Media Explorer method.