Bash This Unnamed Song

Everything on this is well recorded and sounds great. As others have pointed out, there is a little sense of sameness going on, but it is great as it is.
My suggestion would be to come up with a guitar lick to fill in the 8 beats between the verses and choruses. Not overly melodic, but distorted and jolting against the chord structure. Second to that, you could add a call and response scat vocal to the final chorus to build it to the finale.
The song has a lot of energy; I think a lot of the comments boil down to a little repetitiveness, which wouldn’t be a problem if a few things were just added over the top of a great foundation.


I wanted to add at least one more lead guitar break in the song, probably between the first chorus and second verse and another between the second verse and second chorus, but I like your idea of taking it a bit further and adding licks between the first 2 verses. I could probably add some licks near the end of the song too. I think that can work well because I don’t have a designated “guitar solo” spot in this song, so some short licks might fulfill the need for some “song spice”.

@ingolee was advocating for that, also. The more I think about it, the more I like the idea. Sometimes I hold myself back from “overplaying” leads and licks even when it can actually be an element that would be beneficial to the song arrangement.

This might be a good idea! I’ll often do that in my songs but I hadn’t thought of doing that for this song.

Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment, @StylesBitchley! I appreciate your input!

The lick needs to be a hook you can repeat. The song is melodic and upbeat, and the lick needs to add contrast, so it would be better if it was not melodic. The best example I can think of right now is maybe how Lenny Kravitz used the lick in Go My Way, and contrasted the chords in the bridge, although your song would be the reverse. Hope that makes sense.


I think I know what you’re saying more clearly now. Maybe a more bluesy lick using mostly the pentatonic scale?

Like a signature lick, right? That’s a good idea!

Yes, signature lick. Maybe a better example would be how Purple Haze works; kind of an ugly riff leading into a 1/3 /4 progression that wouldn’t be so unusual without the ear jangle that led to it. Make it stick out like a sore thumb you like hearing.


Hey Wicked, first off, great tune and well done all around. Really superb vocal too! I didn’t realize you could belt it out like this! Nicely done!

Ditto this comment!

I agree with mixing up the arrangement somewhat too.

As for the bass, I fall somewhere in between “keep it loud” and “turn it down”. As it is, for me it’s poking out and a little distracting from the song. And obviously I have no problem with an up front bass part! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But I think it could be processed so it doesn’t sound so much like a DI’d bass and it blends better. Maybe run it through an Amp sim and/or add some saturation/distortion and maybe soften up the pick attack up a bit. As it is, the bass feels way out in front of the drums and they need to work together better IMHO.

How about:

  • More
  • I Want More
1 Like

Thanks Mike!

I’ve pondered this a little bit and I think I’m leaning towards reducing the bass volume because as you said, it is very upfront and it tends to “poke out” and make the other instruments sound smaller than I would prefer. Very good points about adding some distortion/ saturation and getting the drums and bass to mesh together as a unit more, also. As it is, the bass overpowers the drums.

Of those two titles I prefer “More” because I like the simplicity. It looks and sounds more unique than the second title, too.

I was considering naming the song one of these two ;

*Free Me (although I already have an old original song called that)
*Save Me

Thank you for your advice and giving me your perspective on all these aspects of the song and recording! I appreciate it !!