Bash this: Moment of Weakness

Well done! I like Andrew’s comment about the reverb - otherwise your vocal sounds spectacular. Wait, let me try that again: your vocal sounds spectacular and I think Andrew’s tip would just put it over the top! :slight_smile:

Good idea on the chorus elements too. Another really good tune Cristina!

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Wow! That is really great. You have a wonderful voice. The drums are good. Background well done. One more time, let your voice shine thru like that and you are golden.
Very well done.

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Hi Great vibe. Don’t like the drums at all. Very distracting to me. I bet I am the only one who said this. ha ha

Your vocal and the message should be center stage. I hear a lot going on in here but your vox is smothered until like 2:10ish, then it is a little hot. ha ha The bgv’s are awesome with those scales going down. Cool for sure.


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The second mix is a big improvement, but overall, I would urge you to take everything with a grain of salt on this one. You have the ability to convey the song better than anyone else, and both attempts are very good. My question to you would be what do you_ feel is lackjng in your production?
Your writing and performances are very artistic and unique but everyone will have a different frame of reference. This is a very personal composition, so just figure out what needs to improve the presentation for you, and if you need help ask how to do the specific things you feel need improvement. For instance, the debate about the drums: yeah, they are a bit strange, but in neither case did they distract me from the mood or message. You should try wearing your arms out patting yourself on the back and make it sound like you hear it_. Your originality will come through and be more important than the minutia.


Thanks Bob, I think this is important to remember. Yeah when I went back to listen to the snare, I still liked it, so I kept it. But there were lots of good tips that I agreed with too and made changes for. I can’t remember exactly who said this, but I read or heard this once and it stuck with me… I wonder if I even came across it on this forum? Anyway, it was that as an artist, what we’ve got is our taste. And throughout our lives we have to hold onto that taste, and keep working on our skills so that we can make things that live up to it.

I’m done with this song. Happy with how it turned out and already working on the next one. :slight_smile: I can look back a couple of years from now and maybe find dozens of flaws with this song, but that’ll just show how much I’ve grown.


I can look back a couple of years from now and maybe find dozens of flaws with this song, but that’ll just show how much I’ve grown.
Yup, that’s kind of the heaven and hell of all of this. I’ve written a lot of what I feel are very good songs that I have stuck on my hard drive, and I stumble on them from time to time. Most of them give me the “Damn that’s a great song, but it sounds crappy” reaction. They do get a little bit better as I go along, and you find a bit of a template to start with sonically. Once you have that, you can spend more time adding colors to your music as opposed to having to scrape layers of junk off of it to make it presentable, if that makes any sense. For someone who claims to be lacking in production skills I would say you’re doing a great job of getting the point across, which to me is the right kind of production for what you are writing.

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