
Hello, I just found this site a few days ago, and I’m currently mixing “Personality” for the latest manic mix-off. I’m not a pro mixer yet, but I’ve been working hard at becoming better :slight_smile: Anyways, I’m looking forward to joining in here!


Awesome! Good to see you diving right in! Let us know if you have any questions and feel free to join us in the conversations too. Looking forward to hearing your progress!!

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Hi there Musikality - Welcome!
Glad you found us here… I haven’t dived into my manic mix yet but it looks like it’s going to be great fun. ::sunglasses:

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Welcome @Musikality, glad you have found our awesome community.

When you have a mix done and you want some advice on it before your final submission , upload your personality mix here,

You will get some honest feedback to help you through (if you need it)
Good luck!

Welcome Musikality! Glad you found us. Hope you enjoy it here.

Please consider adding a map pin on our Membership Map. You can read about it here:
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Thanks! I’ll make sure to check that out :slight_smile:

Howdy! Good to have you here :smiley:

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Welcome Musikality!

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