Got you beat. I’m on my second pair of trifocals. They SUUUUUUCK! lol
Oh, I think trifocals are the next best thing to actual youthful eyesight! Even better, maybe. Distance, computer, reading. They have it all. Maybe you’re using them wrong? Now, the optical industry, that’s a whole other can of worms. Luxottica, an Italian company IIRC, dominates the ‘frames’ industry by about 85%, and overcharges many hundreds of percents of profit on the frames (especially “designer” brands). If you need glasses, you’re at the mercy of the profiteers. Caveat emptor.
As to the Sting thesis, I think it’s all about “storytelling”. How do you tell a story? In music, it’s a bit different than literature, but there are some similarities. Books start with an Introduction and end with a Conclusion. Songs should probably have those (Intro/Outro). Basic “Communication”, as in speeches, is 1) Tell 'em what you’re gonna tell 'em, 2) Tell 'em, 3) Tell 'em what you told 'em (summarize). Header, Body, Footer (basically, like a letter or an email). More toward the Shakespearean and literary devices, you get hero and foil (villian), building a narrative toward a climax + catharsis + ‘denouement’, and resolution or cliff-hanger. As long as you’ve told a story, and taken the listener on a journey, it’s likely to be satisfying. Just be sure to “dot your I’s” and “cross your T’s”, as they say.
You are a smart man Stan. Spoken from a man at the other end of the spectrum.
Well, thanks for that. It’s mostly superfluous vocabulary and an overactive imagination. If I were to apply that to writing lyrics again, I might begin to approach your prolific level of songwriting. As I understand it, what really counts in life is “works” and “faith”. All the rest is entertainment.
You are simply so awesome!!!
Keep spreading the love!!!