Please bash my experimental music video... Dark Undertow of the night

Coming late to this (as often is the case)

Always great Emma and this is no exception.

Listening on laptop so mix comments irrelevant…having said that, it does sound great FWIW.

Love the artwork too. “It felt like a howl” - GO Emma! !

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You’re VERY kind… so lovely to read your words… I laughed to read your bits about my chords… I’m hopeless at the science of music… after a fairly formal musical youth, I threw all that stuff away and now just let my fingers go where the music takes them. It makes it very difficult to collaborate as I never really know what I’m playing hehe… Thanks so much for thecking this out!

Yay… lovely to hear from you FD - thanks!!!
and yeah… I seem to have abandoned all musical shyness sometimes… it’s an age thing I reckon… no time left, why waste it in dithering on cusps… Thanks so much for your wonderful support - really appreciate it!

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Hey, is your username a reference to the Rainbow song of the same name? It’s from the Joe Lynn Turner era.

Nope afraid not - a reference to Killing Joke one of my favourite bands:

Oh yeah. I know them too. My mind just jumped to Rainbow.