Not excatly new - but maybe new again (!)

Welcome back! Long time no hear. I don’t think I ever asked what inspired the “Firedance” avatar, what’s the meaning? You used that for many years.

Also, what’s happening in Ireland and Europe, it seems the world has gone crazy? I hope you’re gathering lots of firewood (for those firedances) - and to keep warm this winter!

BTW - I had to think for a minute, but that song “The Quiet Zone” was quite a song when I first heard it years ago. Very moving.

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Funny you should say that - literally just took a break from chopping free firewood Stan!
Yeah, all a bit crazy but what can you do?

‘Firedances’ is an album by Killing Joke, one of my favorite bands and I just sort of liked it as a compound word anyway!

The Quiet Zone - yeah, thanks! Haven’t actually fully completed anything since but of course I have 738 works in progrss probably!

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From time to time the people gather in masses, sometimes tens of thousands, and protest in the streets of the capital and major cities. At least in Europe from what I’ve seen. I think it raises awareness and gets attention. Mainstream news media (MSM) won’t cover these much though, so many people may be unaware how much unrest and dissent there is. Sweden and Italy look to be changing politically, rejecting globalism. As powerful as the autocrats think they are, they are nearly powerless without the consent of the people. That’s why there is so much energy put into controlling the media narrative (including censorship). Non-consent and non-compliance with idiotic policies is a first step.

Excellent! Preparation is the name of the game.

Ah yeah of course Stan, kind of meant the phrase figuratively but yes, protest is is a big European (and Irish) thing.

Suppose I meant nothing much will change in the nest weeks/months regardless, nothing will happen overnight.

But anyway, music creation will continue as long as we have life, fingers and internet connection! lol

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I’d sure love to hear what you’ve recorded lately!

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