Thank you, Wicked. Between your comments here, and Jonathan’s, and Cristina’s, I’m beginning to understand I have something to learn about timing. This is making a lot of sense to me.
I read your post a year-and-a-half ago on this …
This is new to me (amazingly). Not like I’ve never known that, say, practicing to a metronome is important; I just never realized “how” important it is, and how much of an issue this is in my music – in my playing. This will be helpful.
Ugh. So a novice I am! Okay, I can do this!
I’m gonna re-track the guitars and probably the vocals from scratch and repost. It’ll take a little work, so IDK I’ll be able to get it up in the next few days, but I’ll do it. Time, time, time. Ugh, again.
I’m encouraged by this. I’m eager to see what kind of difference it’ll make.
So, before I re-track, I’d love to hear anyone’s thoughts on the instrumentation: Cristina commented on the guitars being too similar, and too crunchy/bright.
Should I stick with the same idea and just tighten things up? Should I go for a totally different tone on EG1? Go acoustic? Any suggestions on instrumentation?
Also, if any other guitarists out there would have an interest in re-tracking the guitars, I’d be very open to that. In fact, I’d love that! Just sayin’ .
Thanks, all.