How many rivers... please bash my funky mixup

What a angstful song, Emma! I love the lyrics and melody, and I’m not qualified to critique the mix, especially one as good as this one, but it has a soulful bluesiness that propels the song into a memorable state for me. Simple and poetic imagery, I have no idea what inspired it, but I do feel it has cinematic potential.

I have The Wall but have not figured out how to apply it yet, as is the case with several of Boz’s plugins. However, I do use ProVocative, Big Beautiful Door and The Wall on my By Still Waters vocals on top of Reaper ReaFir noise cancellation. I can only tell you my original mix had a much harsher vocal sound, and this combo just seemed to tame my voice rather than slam it with effects.

It is crazy how one stumbles on something that seems to work without understanding what is going on, especially with Boz’s stuff, which seem to do the basic compression/reverb/limiting/etc but in preset moderation, and yes, I still can mess things up, but they are ever so kind more often than not.

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Thoroughly enjoyable and unusual. I love your honky-tonkish paino on this. I’m with @ingolee - I’d like to really hear the bass a little more to bring out the groove. Nicely done!

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@steban Hi Steve, apologies for the delay in reply… my life tends to get crrrazy busy at this time of year and simply have had no spare moments… Loved reading your comments… I did struggle with mixing this song, essentially because I recorded it a few years back and did some strange things that I then had to find and untangle. The vibe was quite a different one for me and I wanted to do Mathieu’s bass more justice than I had. I have no idea what triggered the songwriting, but I seldom do, it is one of those ones that just ‘arrived’ and I really wanted to be able to faux-finish it in better shape. And yep, I find Boz’s plug-ins quite intuitive. They either work or they don’t, and I don’t have to faff around forever! Thanks again!

@miked Thanks Mike, and apologies too for the delay… no musical ‘windows’ at all for me at the moment, alas… I tried a lot with levels… am having intermittent issues with my monitors which doesn’t help but in the 2nd mix I posted, the bass is a bit louder… yeah, I hear you :grinning: but I get foxed with drums and basses, they do my head in!! Thanks so much for listening and your kind words… sometimes (well… often!) it is so hard to try to create a cohesive vibe with the random way in which I record stuff!!
:crazy_face: :musical_note: