Do you have a CLEAR vision of what you want to be musically

You can have a vision of entertaining an audience, or a vision of pleasing yourself (didn’t Cyrano de Bergerac say something like this?). Sure, Prince and Paul had record contracts driving them forward, but likely composed what they felt and what came from their heart/soul. After that it’s a matter of arrangement and production choices. Even the big boys (and girls) had flops and poor record sales on some disappointing albums. “The Artist” is not always a people-pleaser!

I also wanted to mention Steven Pressfield, who is a fiction writer but who has also penned the inspirational creative advice books The War of Art, Do The Work, and Turning Pro. The idea is to show up every day (or whenever you can on a regular basis) and “do the work”. Don’t focus on outcomes, focus on the next page, the next lyric, the next song, the next painting, etc. Just “do the work” and The Muse will show up and splash her magic. You can’t predict this or conjure it up, but The Muse is more likely to show up when seeing your commitment and diligence (i.e. elbow grease). And have the courage to follow where things lead.

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For the record, this is the only “innuendo humor” song that I’ve recorded and published.


Ha, this is awesome!

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only briefly in a band back in '97. for me to be in a band id have to start the band. No original music scene around here AFAIK.

So basically I started early on messing with 4 tracks like around 89-90, then got a drum machine, then digital 8 tracks maybe around 1998. But then basically I didnt do any recording for like 15 years or so lol. I never quit playing but obviously it wasnt any type of focused practice or whatever. I was into golf and lifting weights etc

around 2014 I decided to get back into recording etc and was clueless as to any modern methods. Had to learn from scratch

I started back using this site—> great and very friendly collaboration site. That got me going and one thing leads to another. You get tired of prerecorded drums so you get into EZ Drummer. Then you start wanting to add bass. Then you cant get anyone to sing on your stuff so you start singing. Then you want it to sound better so u work on your mixing etc etc

I feel like I keep getting better but so what? Until you have some pro product to offer up, who cares? Besides which, I dont think I can offer much to the Beiber/Beyonce generation.

I feel like im taking 1 step forward…meanwhile the escalator just went down 3 steps lol

It’s a very positive step forward…

Playing in a band does take quite a chunk out of your life. If I could simply turn up, plug-in, play, unplug and go home it would be brilliant!

Regular rehearsals take up an average of 2 hrs a weekend, as I work full time!

Also I’m in charge of storing and setting up the PA, coordinating rehearsals. Promoting I share with the drummer Chris, and we regularly update our website and social media pages.

Yesterday was a classic example. I was hoping to catch up online with @steban to discuss a way forward with the IFT project, but simply no time! I started loading gear into the car at about 5pm, set up PA and Bass Rig by about 8pm, nipped home to pick up the fan club, performed from 9pm to 1130pm, and was back home at 1am!

I still need to take that positive step forward with home recording…

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